Treating non-obstetric pain during pregnancy in Lakeland, Florida

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative time in a woman’s life. It can also bring about various discomforts and pains. While some of these pains are related to the changes within the body, others may be unrelated to pregnancy. Non-obstetric pain, such as headaches, backaches, and musculoskeletal discomfort, can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life during this crucial time.

It is essential to prioritize the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby when managing pain during pregnancy.

Every pregnancy is unique; what works for one woman may not work for another. This article examines the various non-obstetric pain management options available to the mother during pregnancy to understand the benefits and potential risks of treating non-obstetric pain when pregnant.

What is Non-Obstetric Pain?

Non-obstetric pain during pregnancy is any discomfort unrelated to labor or delivery. The changes in the body from pregnancy can trigger a unique type of pain or worsen pre-existing conditions. A sharp lower back pain out of nowhere can be non-obstetric pain.

What Causes Non-Obstetric Pain During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can cause many different pains unrelated to childbirth. Non-obstetric pain is mainly the result of your body’s anatomical changes and changes in hormone levels.

Non-obstetric pain can even come from an old ache that’s just gotten worse, such as:

  1. Headaches resulting from changes in blood flow and hormone levels.
  2. Back pain from the growing baby straining your back.
  3. Abdominal or previous pelvic pain like appendicitis.
  4. Traumas or injuries from falls or car accidents.

Changes during pregnancy can also amplify pre-existing pain issues such as:

·        Fibromyalgia

·        Chronic Pelvic Pain

·        Vulvar Pain

·        Cervical Pain

·        Pains in Limbs

·        Neuropathic Pain

How Do Pain Medications Affect the Fetus?

Pregnancy can understandably intensify feelings of discomfort. Choosing the proper medication to manage this is vital to protect both the mother’s and baby’s health. Therefore, medications should only be taken under the care and guidance of your doctor. Some drugs can affect the baby:

The mother’s and baby’s health are paramount. Take drugs cautiously and only under a doctor’s supervision.

How to Manage Pain Without Drugs

Managing non-obstetric pain during pregnancy without drugs is vital for you and your baby’s safety. Let’s explore some drug-free pain relief methods.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Adapting your lifestyle can significantly ease pain. Consider doing gentle exercises, maintaining a balanced diet, and improving your sleep schedule.
  • Physical Therapy: Seek a physiotherapist’s guidance for exercises tailored to your needs.
  • Mind-body Techniques: Try yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to keep pain under control.
  • Thermal Remedies: Warm baths or cold compresses can help ease muscle pain.

Combining two or more different methods may prove to be more effective.

Non-Obstetric Pain Management Options During Pregnancy

There are several non-opioid pain treatment options available during pregnancy:

·        Medications can be an option for managing pain when nonpharmacologic therapies fail to provide satisfactory relief. Medication can be effective for acute and chronic pain but should be initiated at the lowest effective dosage, and their use should be limited in the later stages of pregnancy. Taking medication should be only under a doctor’s supervision.

  • Physical therapy can be vital in managing non-obstetric pain for expectant moms. Some exercises and strategies that can help ease pregnancy discomfort include water therapy or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).
  • Acupuncture is a safe and effective drug-free option that reduces potential risks to the baby.

Novus Spine & Pain Center

Dr. Torres established Novus Spine & Pain Center in Lakeland, Florida, with the goal of providing the highest quality pain management care to every patient. Whether pain is the result of an injury or from another condition, Dr. Torres offers many different treatment options.

Novus Spine & Pain Center utilizes a comprehensive approach and cutting-edge therapies to restore normal function and allow patients to regain an active lifestyle while minimizing the need for opiates. As our patient, you are our top priority. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible quality of life.


Our Mission Statement: To provide the best quality of life to people suffering from pain by providing state-of-the-art treatments, knowledge and skill, compassion, and respect for all.

For your convenience, you may schedule an appointment online, request a call back, or call our office at 863-473-7849.


Treating Pain During Pregnancy (PubMed)

Non-Obstetric Pain in Pregnancy (PubMed)

Management of Non-obstetric Pain During Pregnancy and Lactation (International Anesthesia Research Society)

Pain in Pregnancy (EMRA – Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association)

Management of non-obstetric pain during pregnancy  (Colombia Journal of Anesthesiology)

Management of non-obstetric pain during pregnancy (ResearchGate)

Is a common pain reliever safe during pregnancy? (Harvard Medical School)